Our 2021 Annual Report
San Francisco, CA – We are pleased to release our our 2021 Annual Report, which summarizes the Hub’s accomplishments from our third year and identifies our short- and long-term plans for the future.
In the last year, we:
- Executed our third, full-time fellowship program via a hybrid format;
- Launched an Information Disorder Prize Competition to support projects that tackle mis- and disinformation;
- Held two cohorts of our Tech Executive Leadership Initiative, training 65 senior executives;
- Released 19 projects, covering a variety of topics from COVID-19 vaccine credentials to the digital divide in broadband investments;
- Partnered with Tech Policy Press to launch New Voices, a series of articles published by Hub staff and alumni on top tech policy issues;
- Hosted 3 public Demonstration Day webinars; and
- Supported our 2021 alumni who have gone on to lead impactful organizations such as the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, as well as take on influential policy roles in the Biden-Harris administration.
Our work in 2021 showed us that we can continue to provide our high-quality programming in hybrid and virtual settings and that our fellows and leaders continue to have positive impact in a changing world. We’re excited for what’s to come in 2022!
Be sure to also check out our impact one-pager for a sample of our accomplishments from 2021. To stay up to date on our work, you can join our mailing list here.