Protecting Older Users Online
by Ginny Fahs, Anil Dewan, Steven Buccini and Ora Tanner
Strong empirical evidence suggests older adults are as vulnerable as young children in their interactions online, yet technology policy projects often do not make special considerations for this age group. Adults over 60 lost $650 million as victims of online crime in 2018, and the US has seen a 400 percent increase in internet crime towards this age group over the past five years. This project recommends that the federal government redesign its scam reporting system to facilitate participation by older adults. Additionally, it recommends tasking the Federal Trade Commission and other enforcement bodies of digital technology legislation to educate themselves on the implications of technology design for older adults and to regulate with their safety in mind.
Click below to visit the Family Engagement Network for Survivors of Elder Scams (FENSES) website; to view the team’s policy brief recommending change; to check out their redesigned scam reporting form; and to view helpful resources to facilitate seniors’ reporting.