Aspen Policy Academy

Launching $75k Information Disorder Prize Competition

  • Article Published November 15, 2021

The Aspen Tech Policy Hub is pleased to announce a prize competition to fund unique and innovative projects that make meaningful progress towards ending information disorder. The prize competition builds on the work of the Aspen Institute Commission on the Information Disorder, which today released a report detailing 15 recommendations to help government, private industry, and civil society increase transparency and understanding, build trust, and reduce harms. 

Project teams are invited to identify a particular recommendation from the Commission’s Final Report and propose a new, untested solution that would specifically help accomplish this goal. Possible deliverables might include new technologies, policy proposals, inventions, research projects, and other innovative approaches to solving information disorder. Creativity is encouraged; projects should not feel constrained by these sample deliverables. Applications are open through January 10, 2022

Up to 5 semi-finalists will be awarded $5,000 each to develop prototypes of their deliverables over an 8-week period, after which 1 team will be awarded a $75,000 grand prize towards executing its proposed idea. Applicants submitting ideas for novel technology enterprises for this program will also be given consideration for additional funding through ex/ante.

The prize competition is being launched with support from Craig Newmark Philanthropies and ex/ante (an initiative of Schmidt Futures).

For more information and to apply, see here. You can also read the full press release here.

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